All our rehearsals are open to the public and to potential new members, so why not pay us a visit. Please let us know you are coming by contacting us - see 'Contact Us' details below. There is free parking on site.

We meet every Tuesday at 7.15 pm.  Rehearsals begin with a physical warm up (which could be undertaken seated if necessary), followed by a vocal warm up. You would be most welcome to join in with us.

Reading music is not a requirement, though it does help.  The main criteria is to be able to sing in tune.  If you decide you are interested in joining us, the musical director will meet up with you on a convenient Tuesday and plan the next steps.

NB: There will be a £5.00 charge (payable in cash) for rehearsals after your first two visits until you are formally invited to join the chorus and begin to pay monthly subscriptions.

See our 'Contact Us' details below if you want more information.